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Dec 20, 2012

Semester 4

Salam .

Hari Tak Akan Selalunya Cerah Dan Mendung Tak Akan Selalunya Gelap

Mungkin sudah cukup untuk gua ungkapkan apa yang terjadi hari ini . Mungkin apa yang berlaku ada hikmahnya dan pengajaran untuk diri sendiri . Adakalanya kita di atas dan adakalanya kita di bawah . Nikmat manusia tak akan pernah sama . Apa yang di lalui dan apa yang di rasai hanya diri sendiri yang merasakan dan Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui Segala Yang Terjadi Di Langit Dan Bumi .

Sudah Cukup Moody Belum Gua Punya Intro ?

My mood is CRITCAL and don't ask me why . WHY and WHY ? But one thing for sure is I always took the blame . My mistake and my bad maybe . WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU THIS SEMESTER ATOK ? The question and question mark that I'll not forget . Man , what u have done ? Where were u that time ? Owh , damn it .

Only the expression.

For sure my heart still feel the pain . Seriously !

Come on , keep reading . It is not a love story .

This semester end with no happy , no cheerful , no , no , no , no . NO !!!

Yeah , i know i should be thankful for this life . Bla bla bla bla . Then, why me ? I try my best , i give full commitment and i still WHY ME ???

Don't worry , as i said i always took the blame and it come from me .

Never and ever to blame to my Creature( Allah ) .

I just need time to throw away all the memory for this semester . That all and for sure it takes time . Just pray and be patient . I can say whatever i want , i can f@#k all the shit out . But i always place that Allah is the best place for everything . Word just word but pray to Allah isn't a word . It is a pride . Always remember .

Yeah, that it . Until here . Meet me half way to the semester 5 .

Still be a question mark , WHAT HAPPEN TO ME ?

Will be continue , insyAllah .

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